like the statement says "Research
& field trials in the manner of our forefathers, before production"
is just that. After good documentation with research on a given
item has been completed, a sample may be made and worked with
(field tested) to see if that item is worthy of being reproduced
and made available to the public, then researched to see how
marketable that item is (will it sell). HRD would produce models,
schematics (blue prints) and documentation of the item to those
that produce such things with like quality and offered to a
marketing group to whole-sale that item.
Sounds like a lot for making something period correct, but that is
how this sport has grown with the dedicated reenactor, historian
and history buff. Those that want correct equipage to experience
the chosen time frame that they were interested in.
We had some good folks involved in the HRD;
Betty Morris "Historical Society" (Retired) St. Louis,
MO. [Deceased] 2007
James Rubinfine "An Earlier Time" magazine (Retired) -
New England states.
[Deceased] 2006
William Eaton "The Colonial Society" magazine (Retired)
Williamsburg, VA.
[Deceased] 2005
Buck Conner "Clark & Sons Mercantile” (Retired)
Concho Smith from the "Pennsylvania Historical Society"
[Deceased] 2001
Ben "Captain Hook" Thompson "African Trade Inc",
"Buckhorn Rendezvous"
(Retired) Colorado. [Deceased] 2009
There were several others friends of Concho's that I had not had
the pleasure of meeting.
We were all experienced in a number of different areas of living
history, museums, historical societies, etc., we were given a
subject to investigate, research, document and then report our
findings to HRD, it was found the time doesn't warrant the pay
(more of a love of doing research and just learning about our
forefather's and what life was like living then).
Items that went through the research and were manufactured in
HBC flags
NWC flags
18th Century Men's Clothing (breeches, long pants, shirts,
watch coats, weskits, frocks, stockings, hats and caps).
18th Century Eyeglasses ranging from 1740 to 1800 styles.
HRD had a dozen items scheduled but canceled when James shut
everything down. You would have liked the trade guns, knives, and
small accourtrements that were carried in the day.
was a great idea for the buyer as well as the supplier knowing the
item was correct in every way possible before produced.
I do it again with a new team if the chance was available?"
Damn Straight...
Thank you for asking and please spread the word that HRD is no
longer open.

In some case
we would use old paintings for reference of an item, then research
that item until you would have exhausted all avenues of research.
Then look at it for correctness, availability and period used in
the research to answer the customers concerns.